Friday, April 26, 2013

Fancy Seeing You Here

Happy Friday y'all! I feel like I blinked and POOF February and March just disappeared. They certainly didn't show up here on this blog.

Where have we been? Living life I guess!

Like I mentioned in our New Years post, last year was rough. But 2013 has been a surprisingly happy and joyous time. I've been M.I.A. from blogging about it because I did work tax season (thank Bob that's over!) and when I wasn't working we were busy with our California bucket list! But I will have a little more time to spend around here now.

Here's what you probably didn't miss...
We went to my first NBA game and instantly became Clippers fans. (I know everyone is a Lakers fan but we have too much purple and gold in our lives!) I know nothing about basketball except that it was created by James Naismith and I only know that because I went to a middle school that believed in grading you in P.E. including the history of sports. Despite my lack of knowledge we had a BLAST!!!

We hiked to the top of the Hollywood sign. Man does that make you feel small! It was such a great, moderate hike and only took 1.5 hours up and back. Plus it was dog friendly... we can't leave our darling Juju at home!

We celebrated Valentines day even though we aren't big fans since we act lovey dovey all year long much to the chagrin of those around us. Husband never sends flowers, mostly because I'm not a big flower fan since they die so fast and cost so much. But he sent TULIPS! They are my absolute favorite and remind me of my Grandma. Don't worry there weren't any chocolates. just a heart shaped veggie pizza ;)

We FINALLY got our California licenses. Thankfully we both passed the tests the first time because it was rough! 

I turned 28! We spend the day in Pasadena. It was delightful and perfect. Such a great birthday.

We went on a "whale" watching cruise. It was three hours of cold, windy sailing and not one whale. But we did see dolphins and I am now obsessed with sea lions which I lovingly call seals with puppy faces.

On St. Patty's we finally tried Sprinkles Cupcakes and yes, it is everything you dream for a cupcake to be. (My favorite is the black and white!)

For Easter we went to San Diego and spent the day at the beautiful San Diego Zoo. I am a huge animal lover and could not have had a better time. I'd never been to a zoo that took an entire day to truly experience.

In April we worked almost every day until my cousins, Jennifer and Emily, came to visit. We basically crammed all the Los Angeles highlights into one 5 day trip. I am still exhausted just thinking about everything we did. 

Word to the wise: if you ever need to find a needle in a haystack you can call my cousin because she spotted celebrities EVERYWHERE! 

I've got some posts in the works and I'll give you a little low-cal taste of what is to come:
  • Sharing our challenges and surprising thoughts on going "Pescatarian" for 40 days. I would say vegetarian, but to be truthful we did eat seafood.
  • Los Angeles hits and misses (you know in case you want to come visit us: hint hint!)
  • Workout reviews for arms and an at-home barre circuit (both legit!)
  • Recipes & reviews for a homemade frappuchinos & jack-o-lantern muffins
So I guess I'll have a little more time to spend around here and I'm really excited. I missed blogging about being healthy and working out. It certainly kept me on the straight and narrow. I hope you're excited too!


  1. My sister is pescatarian. Shocker, since she's related to me. Since these people are so few and far between, if you decide to eat like that for a while, I can get you in touch with her. She's somewhat hard core, but she blows it all if she's in Louisiana eating Louisiana food. :)

    1. Oh now I'm excited for that blog! I think I'm posting it on Monday. :)
