Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Resolutions and Solutions

Happy New Year!

Admittedly 2012 wasn't the greatest year. It took from me both of my grandmothers and I'd be lying if I said that moving to sunny California has been anything other than a challenge. Somedays Husband looks at me and says, "let's just go home." 

But there are silver linings to every dark cloud.

Like most new years eves, Husband had to work. We decided to have dinner at a little Greek restaurant to celebrate since a year would come and go and that's something to celebrate.

At dinner we talked about our resolutions for next year.

It took Husband all night to decide that his resolution was to feel less emotional about his sports teams. I'm sure it won't be easy but I think his poor heart deserves a break.

My resolution is to finish 2013 feeling healthier than I feel today. I do believe in and have measurable goals (get moving 30 minutes a day, lose x amount of lbs, etc.). I just felt like this was the most important. 

I DO feel healthier than I did a year ago and that's not something to scoff at even if the scale doesn't make me smile as much as I'd like.

Together we agreed that we would start focusing on the positives of being out here in Los Angeles. More emphasis on the reasons we came here in the first place.

We came for a two year adventure. To see places we'd never go otherwise. We didn't come here to settle roots and we both agreed that when we try to make California our "home" it just fails to meet our expectations. I'd hate to think that we'd move home in a year and a half and not have seized this great opportunity. I saw somewhere the saying that, "Comparison is the Thief of Joy," and in my experience that's been 100% true. 

Today at lunch we are finally going to make an actual "California Bucket List" and I suspect it will be amazing. 

So I hope you all have real resolutions that will make you happier, healthier and maybe a little bit more grateful. Good luck with your resolutions and share them here if you'd like. :) Happy New Year!


  1. Seeing as how I've lost the last 6 months, I'm sure the rest of y'all's Cali time is going to fly by. Happy New Year!

  2. That sounds like a great plan. There are so many things to see and do in California. you'll make it! Let us know what's on the list. My only resolution is to get my poor stomach problems under control. This will take a major diet overhaul, but I'm doing it.

    1. Still working on the list. We are a little ambitious with 3 things a month but hopefully it works out! I almost tweeted you about stomach issues the other day because I knew you'd know but it passed. Hopefully for good!

    2. omg I'm just now seeing your response. haha, yes, I am the stomach expert. If you have an "attack", hot peppermint tea is a good, fast way to relieve cramping. Well that and Immodium.
