About Cajun in California

Once upon a time, long ago a city emerged from the hills of California and was filled with beautiful, starving people. That city was called Los Angeles which is Spanish for "expensive."

My name is Andrea and I live here in this magical place with my husband, Andrew, and our dog, Julia Sugarbaker. When we arrived we were filled with hope that we too would become fabulously fit people and easily shed the years of gluttonous eating habits we learned growing up in south Louisiana.

That hasn't happened.

What has happened is an effort to live active lives, eat deliciously, read food labels, and not blow our rent at the grocery store.

This blog is about all that...and maybe some other stupid stuff.

Welcome Y'all!


I'm not a doctor, nutritionist, trainer, chef or anything else that would make me an authority on anything health related. I am however an expert in tasting frozen yogurt flavors.

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