Friday, September 28, 2012

Channeling my internal George Michael Bluth - Frozen Banana Ice Cream

Two weeks ago I made a speedy trip to Louisiana and upon my return I realized the 3 lbs of bananas purchased before I left were almost completely gone. Only about four were left and within a day or two just two little nanas were left. Then they started to look reaaaallly sketch, like they might go bad in a few days.
There's always money in the banana stand!

Like a true healthy visionary I thought, "I will totally freeze these and make something amazing later!"

I really wanted to have a George Michael Bluth moment. Please tell me you've watched Arrested Development. The show single handedly saved the frozen banana industry! (That's not true, but I'm inventing my own facts today because it's Friday Y'all!)

Without much thought, I peeled them first which turned out to be the only smart thing I did. After our wedding a year ago we got a "yonana machine" which turns bananas into yogurt. Very effective but very loud. The first step is to freeze the banana which is exactly what I did...peel and all. What. An. Idiot. If you've ever tried to peel a frozen banana you know how stupid and painful it can be. If I get a tingling sensation in my fingers I always assume it's side effects of frozen banana induced frost bite.

The one mistake I made was that I did not cut the bananas into little pieces first or shove a stick in them. Apparently if you want to do something cute or fun with a banana you have to think about it ahead of time. Booo....

Since not everyone has a yonana, a food processor or the foresight to cut the dang banana first. I'm going to do something most people should be able to do...

A blender. 2 nanas. Semi sweet chocolate chips. Maximum easy.
I'm going to put them in the blender and eat whatever comes out. 

 I have a lot of baking stuff just hanging around so I threw a tablespoon of semisweet chocolate into the blender as well.

It was so loud I actually unplugged the blender, went into the guest room and shut the door. I didn't want to wake up Husband who has been working 12 hour shifts and explain that on a whim I wanted to play with frozen bananas.

I wouldn't even call this a recipe. It's literally bananas and a piece of chocolate.

The verdict? Meh.

The final product. Impressed? Meh...
It tasted like a cold, mushed banana and chocolate. Nothing to write home about or write a blog about even (so why are we here?). I've actually put the exact same things in a yonana and that stuff tasted like chocolate ice cream. What is in that yonana?!?!

The concoction ended up being 220 calories. What. A. Waste.

I guess if you're craving something sweet this is a good alternative but I have to say that 220 calories in a serving of faux ice cream does not please me. Especially when I can get a smaller fix of real ice cream. If you're a more the merrier person this is a good idea for you. You definitely get more in a serving than you would if you had 220 calories of ice cream.

To be honest, I didn't even finish it. It was that...unsatisfying.

I guess Maeby we aren't all meant to be George Michael Bluth. (See what I did there?)

XO, Andrea


  1. Can you make the same thing with the yonana and show pictures? I'm very curious about this thing.

  2. Yes I can. The yonana is a magical device. I'll get on that! :)

  3. I did the same thing with the bananas the first time I froze them. Shouldn't someone mention that they need to be peeled. My fingers burn just thinking about it.

    1. Ah yes...the ultimate tragedy of frozen bananas! My fingers hurt too when I think about it!
