Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fondue Fondon't

Sunday night Husband and I celebrated surviving a rough week of work at one of our favorite places... The Melting Pot!

This picture is clearly the face of a woman who knows she is about to commit a food crime.

No matter what you tell yourself about the fact that they bring you bowls of veggies you are STILL dipping them into cheese. And I can't even explain how amazing the dessert fondue was. I feel no guilt. Zero. It was just too good. Sigh.

I don't know what the appeal is of a restaurant that basically asks you to cook your own food, but this somehow has become our favorite place to celebrate. It's definitely nice that it's quiet and takes several hours so you have plenty of time to talk...which now that I think about it, that could be a real negative if you are with someone you don't enjoy talking to. 

I'm not going to lie. It was delicious. 

Anyone have a guilty pleasure restaurant?


  1. I have an unhealthy relationship with every restaurant I go to. Lately I discovered a burger that puts fried pickles on top and I'm thinking I need to stay away from that fatty goodness!

    1. I love fried pickles so much. Thanks for reminding me! Haha!
