Saturday, October 13, 2012

Weekend Weigh In 2 & 3

Well I anticipated having a busy weekend life and it has finally happened...kind of. My mother-in-law was in town visiting on a stop between the Philippines and Louisiana. As husband said, "we are eating like it's Thanksgiving!" Which is half true. I didn't want to waste any precious time we had with her here hanging out in our gym, BUT I did make an effort to not overindulge which was moderately successful. In any event, I'm back in the game!


I didn't feel great two weeks ago and this past week was a mad dash to get back on schedule so I did a lot of working out at home. We are still doing our nightly walks with the pup. This week will be so busy I definitely need to plan ahead to get my workouts in. Priorities! I've already put in my planner some time with ye olde elliptical! 

I feel like this was a hit. Obviously we ate out a great deal these past few weeks so we were eating amazing food. My brother-in-law actually marinated the BEST MUSHROOMS I've ever had. I say this hoping that I can accurately convey how much I used to hate mushrooms. I'm also pleased to report that we had dinner with friends on Monday and it took moving all the way to California for me to eat Louisiana boiled crabs! How I missed this all these years we may never know. Why didn't anyone tell me how much work it was to eat one of those things?

Once again I rely heavily on my good friend MyFitnessPal and this week I kind of ignored her. It's so hard to log what you're eating when you are at not chain restaurants. I tried to make good choices and go for veggies and whatnot, but I made a cake (which I'll be detailing Monday) with my niece and the food labels were...well, shocking to say the least. I wouldn't suggest making it and eating it alone. Oy.

Since we have been so good saving our pennies for a BIG BIG BIG trip next Spring, we decided we'd indulge juuuuust a little bit and spend $20 at Trader Joe's on things not on our shopping list. I make a grocery list every two weeks and we hardly ever veer off that path so it was nice to just play, "Omg doesn't that look delicious!" And I have to tell was! The soy creamy bars in my freezer are lucky they haven't been inhaled. So, so good.

So onto recipes, workouts, and another week of living amongst the beautiful people!

Weeks 2 & 3 of Cajun in California...I declare you a hit and miss!!


  1. I still don't know how to eat a boiled crab. Way to much work. Luckily Dean's peeps feel sorry for me & do it!

    1. It WAS a lot of work. That and I wasn't sure what all was edible!!! So embarrassing...

  2. I don't like to work that hard for food. Also, why after I eat about 10 crawfish I'm done.
